Rolul polițistului în aplanarea conflictelor din societatea civilă
Journal Title: Revista Națională de Drept - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 201
Conflicts arise at all levels and their resolution requires a multidisciplinary approach , requiring knowledge in many areas. Thus a crucial role in mitigating and preventing conflict plays the cop who must show impartiality and professionalism within any disputes, including in the case of violence that may occur in conflicts. An effective police service is one that turns on the first line of defense in protecting human rights. Police officers should operate in a manner that is not based on instilling fear and raw power , but respect for the law, honor and professionalism.
Unele considerații privind obiectul juridic al infracțiunilor de neglijență în serviciu (art. 329 Cod penal)
This article establishes, inter alia, that the public sphere (within the meaning of the title of Chapter XV of the special part of the Penal Code of the Republic of Moldova) includes the following parties: 1) all the pub...
Subiectul infracţiunilor prevăzute la art.290 şi 291 CP RM
In the present scientific demarche is investigated the subject of offences provided in art.290 and 291 PC RM. It shows that the legal entity cannot be the subject of offence provided in art.291 PC RM, although legislatio...
Principiile interacțiunii în cadrul procesului penal
In our article, we briefly describe the principles of cooperation on the criminal matters, because its role is undisputedly important for national authorities. In this research, we intend to give an overall view of the m...
Asigurarea independenţei judecătorilor prin prisma garanțiilor constituționale
Every magistrate proceeds daily with the measure of his own performance, as well as between the means offered by the parties for his decision and those which are necessary. In this sense, he is constantly concerned with...
Latura obiectivă a actului terorist prevăzut la alin.(1) art.278 CP RM
In the study carried out is analyzed the first normative way of expressing the harmful act mentioned in par.(1) art.278 PC RM: setting an explosion, arson, or any other action that creates the danger of causing death, bo...