Równowaga finansowa jako wyzwanie dla finansów po kryzysie 2008 roku. W poszukiwaniu priorytetów i parytetów w nauce finansów
Journal Title: Studia Prawno-Ekonomiczne - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue
This article attempts to make a redefinition of conceptual categories, which are “financial balance” and “sustainable finance” in response to changes taking place in contemporary surroundings. The study highlighted the necessity of considering the sustainable finance, as a category evolving under the influence of the triad of environmental, social and economic factors impacting on the contemporary phenomena and financial relations. There have also been attempts to identify and clarify priorities, which should be guided by the modern science of finance and pointed out the expected share of individual factors in shaping the financial decisions of entities of the national economy.
Authors and Affiliations
Stanisław Flejterski, Magdalena Zioło
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