Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 15
У статті розглянуто лінгвовізуальні засоби стилістичної комбінаторики, представлені графо-фонемними засобами, як інструменти розкриття та творення комунікативно-культурних патернів сучасних англомовних постколоніальних текстів; виокремлено їх функції та згруповано їх у 4 категорії: функції просодичного плану, функції семантичного плану, функції прагматичного плану та функції плану структурування та організації тексту; здійснено спробу аналізу їх текстових маніфестацій у контекстологічних фрагментах текстів за авторством сучасних англомовних постколоніальних письменників. The article highlights linguo-visual stylistic means in general and grapho-phonemic means in particular as the instruments of communicative and cultural patterns of modern English postcolonial texts disclosure and creation; their functions have been singled out and grouped into four categories: functions of prosodic plan, functions of semantic plan, functions of pragmatic plan and functions of text structuring and organization plan; an attempt to analyze their factual manifestations in contextual fragments of texts belonging to modern English postcolonial writers has been made. The article also suggests a generalized view of the English postcolonial language of modern fiction as seen by the researchers, the view being that modern English postcolonial authors tend to shift towards the active use of non-verbal semiotic units in their narration as well as towards visual presentation of information. The author supports the current views of the linguists that this tendency is not so much a tribute to a general linguo-visual way of presenting information gain of popularity as a feature peculiar to the English of postcolonial writings, it being the economical and productive way of translating postcolonial communicative and cultural patterns into a written text. The article discusses the assertion that postcolonial text language functions as a means of constructing non-Occidental world and worldview as the reason of such peculiarity. The written system of language uses for the transmission of multilevel and multidimensional oral speech into writing a specific semiotic system of instruments, which greatly contributes to the formation and regulation of graphic-sound sequence of linguistic signs in a specially organized plan of text expression and comprises graphic signs, punctuation marks, text layout, pictures, drawings, photos, maps and any other iconic units. Language of a colonized personality is not functioning solely as a carrier of local culture, but also as a way of structuring reality and means of expressing the «different» viewpoint. Adaptation of the language involves the adoption of cognitive models, philosophical and moral foundations of the former colonizer. Dialectics and controversy of postcolonial literature lies in the transformation of language laws of the invader in order to adapt them to express the cultural autonomy, traumatic experience as well as renewed identity rearticulation. An important task of postcolonial fiction is preserving intrinsic features of local culture while being transmitted via foreign language.
Authors and Affiliations
Tetiana Kovalevska
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