Розвиток конституційної думки в добу Директорії УНР: сучасна історіографія
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Чернівецького національного університету імені Юрія Федьковича. Історія - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue
The solution to many problems of contemporary Ukraine can be found in the history of the Ukrainian constitutionalism. One of the most productive periods within evolution of Ukrainian constitutional opinion fell on the times of Ukrainian revolution. Constitutional projects and constitutional acts that have emerged in 1917-1921, suggested a variety of state power’s structure, preserved the system of checks and balances between different branches of government, regulated the interrelation between the central government and local authorities, outlined the rights and freedoms of citizens, guarantees of their rights by the state. The most long-termed period of Ukrainian revolution is connected with the activities of Directory of UPR, so it is expected the largest number of completed constitutional projects of various approaches to the state-building had appeared at the times of Directory of UPR’s struggle for the Ukrainian state. Consideration of important theoretical experience of Directory of UPR’s constitutional evolution permits to offer conceptual solutions to contemporary issues related to the reform of the Ukrainian Constitution. At present, the legacy of Ukrainian constitutionalists of revolutionary period is thoroughly analyzed in works of historians, legists, political researchers. Directory of UPR’s constitutional acts and projects became the point of interest to wide range of researchers. Many works that emerged at present period of Ukrainian historiography’s evolution, deal with analysis of constitutional works throughout 1918-1921. The purpose of this study is to present modern Ukrainian researchers’ works about Directory of UPR’s constitutional projects. Current researches describe characteristic features of constitutional projects of S. Baran, O. Koptsyukh, O. Eichelmann, T. Galip and A. Nikovskyi’s Commission; analyze its contents and payment to Ukrainian constitutional opinion. Nevertheless, the independent and summarizing work about Directory of UPR’s constitutional projects does not exist yet. Many theses, monographs, brochures and articles have appeared since Directory of UPR’s constitutional projects had been reinstated. Current summarizing researches among description of characteristic features of constitutional process pay attention to constitutional projects of 1919-1921 too. Constitutional process at the times of Directory of UPR made an evolution from the labor-based principle of creation the authorities to democratic approaches to the formation of the state power. Directory of UPR’s constitutional projects testified a high level of Ukrainian constitutional opinion’s evolution, matched up with tendencies of European constitutionalism of that time and served a purpose of creating an independent Ukrainian state. In conclusion, in late 20th – early 21st centuries Ukrainian historians, legists, political researchers have found and studied the unjustly forgotten legacy of Ukrainian constitutionalists. Researchers analyzed the circumstances of the occurrence of certain constitutional projects, revealed its meaning, identified achievements and shortcomings. Nevertheless, despite vast researches of various aspects of constitutional evolution in 1917-1921, the independent evaluation of UPR Directory’s constitutional projects is an urgent issue of current Ukrainian historiography.
Authors and Affiliations
Andriy Pyzhyk
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