
Стаття присвячена дослідженню тенденцій та закономірностей розвитку світового авіаційного транспорту в умовах посилення глобалізаційних процесів. Проведений аналіз ключових показників розвитку світової авіацій в їх тісній кореляції з показниками розвитку світового господарства. Виділені ключові аспекти впливу глобалізації на діяльність авіаперевізників. The article investigates the trends and patterns of the global air transport development in terms of globalization processes intensification. The analysis of the world air transport key indicators development in close correlation with the global economy indicators development is made. The key aspects of the globalization impact on the air carriers activity are dedicated. World passenger traffic is growing in the last years. The growth in 2015 reached the highest level after the post-recession rebound in 2010. The regional structure of the world passenger and freight traffic shows that Asia-Pacific accounts for 31,9% and 39,5% respectively, Europe -26,7% and 21,8%, North America - 24,7% and 19,9%. The Middle East remains the fastest growing region. International tourist arrivals follows the similar yearly trend with international passenger traffic. Europe accounts for the largest share of international passenger traffic at 37,2%. The correlation ratio between international tourist arrivals and international passenger traffic accounts for 0,97. In terms of aircraft departures more than half of Top 15 airports are US airports, 4 are in Europe, and remaining 2 are in Asia-Pacific. Atlanta ranks the first by number of departures and number of passengers, Hong Kong ranks the first by tonnes of freight. The airports from top 15 provide 12,64% of world aircraft departures, 15,11% of world passenger air traffic and 73,57% of world freight air traffic In terms of the airline companies, 15 airline groups American, Delta, United, Emirates, AF-KLM, IAG, Lufthansa Group, china Southern, Southwest, Air China, China Eastern, Cathay Pacific Group, Turkish Airlines, Qantas Group, Singapore Airlines Group accounts for 47,6% of world total passenger traffic. Among these carriers, 40% are companies from Asia-Pacific Region Aviation’s center of gravity continues to shift eastward, with 7 of the top 10 increasing origin-destination passenger markets located in Asia. Chana’s, Indonesia’s, India’s domestic air passenger markets demonstrate the highest rise in journeys numbers. Globalization processes lead to formation the global strategic airlines alliance. Today 61,2% of world air passenger market are provided by 3 largest strategic alliances Star Alliance, SkyTeam и Оneworld. The carries that are the part of strategic alliances work in more than 1000 destinations. Star Alliance operates a fleet of approximately 4657 aircraft, serve more than 1330 airports in 192 countries and carries 641,1 million passengers per year on more than 18500 daily departures. SkyTeam makes more than 17000 daily departures by 3054 aircrafts in 177 airports in 177 countries. Оneworld operates in 1016 airports in 161 countries and carries 13800 daily departures. Air transport boosts economic development. The ongoing increase in unique city-pair routes has enable a corresponding increase in the flow of goods, people, capital, technology and ideas. The number of unique city-pair connections have exceeded 16600 and almost double the connectivity by air 20 year ago. Another impact of aviation on the wider economy is the influence that increased airline activity has on job creation, in the aviation value chain and in other, related sectors, as spending ripples through the economy. It is estimated that aviation supported 63 million jobs in 2015 and underpinned $2,7 trillion of GDP. In the short term, the global air transportation market characterized by increasing cooperation and activation of strategic alliances activities, which are aimed to provide services that best meet the needs of passengers in terms of globalization.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Zakharova


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How To Cite

O. Zakharova (2016). РОЗВИТОК СВІТОВОГО АВІАЦІЙНОГО ТРАНСПОРТУ В УМОВАХ ПОСИЛЕННЯ ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЙНИХ ПРОЦЕСІВ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 6(12), 112-121. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427168