Rozwój roślinności w późnym vistulianie oraz funkcjonowanie i zanik ekosystemu leśnego w stanowisku Koźmin Las
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2014, Vol 102, Issue 102
The paper presents the results of studies of pollen and plant macroremains from the site of Koźmin Las, in which remnants of a forest, observed as fragmentary in situ tree trunks, and Late Vistulian sediments, represented by peats and organic silts, were preserved. Palaeobotanical analyses were performed for two sediment sections, KL 1 and KL 2, however plant macrofossils were examined only in section KL 1. Several stages were distinguished in the development of the depression. Initially, in the Alleröd, the deposited sandy sediments were dominated by pine and birch pollen. Decrease in birch pollen values and the accompanying increase in curves of sedges and grasses, indicating greater proportion of non-forest communities in landscape, evidence the boundary with Younger Dryas, ca. 10 710 ± 60 BP/ 12 744–12 547 cal BP, being the time of functioning of a low peat bog. Its development ended, due to rising water level and supply of terrigenous material to the overflow area, at ca. 10 430 ± 80 BP / 12 566–12 067 cal BP.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Korzeń, Renata Stachowicz-Rybka
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