Zmiany środowiska u schyłku vistulianu w Polsce Środkowej w świetle badań w stanowisku Koźmin Las
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2014, Vol 102, Issue 102
Multidisciplinary investigations carried out at Koźmin Las have been analysed in the aspect of recognition of fast natural climate changes in geosystems during the Vistulian Late Glacial. A series of short events, reconstructed for the extensive valley of a large lowland river in the old morainic area of Central Poland, has been related to global changes. Features in accordance with the scheme for Greenland ice core records and with the stratotypes of terrestrial palaeoenvironment of Central Poland have been highlighted. Properties of deposits which contributed to the knowledge of evolution of the Łódź Region have been pointed out.
Authors and Affiliations
Danuta Dzieduszyńska
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