Warunki funkcjonowania i rozwój torfowiska w zagłębieniu krasowym w okolicach Paradyża
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue
This article is concerned with the properties of peatland that function in the karst depression in the northern part of the Opoczno Hills. The geological and geomorphological properties that display the preview of the genesis of said landforms are discussed. The depressions that developed as a result of the collapse of Jurassic limestone and are covered with a thin layer of Pleistocene moraine till serve as an environment that is very conducive to the development of water bodies and peatbogs with deposition of biogenic sediments. A core sample of the biogenic sediments has been extracted from one of the peat bogs north of Paradyż and analysed to determine the ash content, pH value, electrolytic conductivity, as well as calcium carbonate content. It allowed to formulate conclusion on the environmental conditions of the depression and the phases of development of the peatbog.
Authors and Affiliations
Dorota Brzozowicz, Jacek Forysiak
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