Torfowiska Mierzei i Niziny Karwieńskiej potencjalnym archiwum ekstremalnych zalewów sztormowych
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2016, Vol 105, Issue
Karwia Barrier peatlands are a potential archive of extreme storm floods. During the field work, the subsurface sediments of the investigated area were surveyed to verify the hypothesis of a presence of storm surge deposits within the barrier and accompanying peatlands. Numerous shallow drillings were performed and the most essential of them are presented in this paper. A distinguishable sedimentological mark of storm surge processes was recognized only in a peatland exposed directly to the sea, in close neighbourhood to the Czarna Wda river mouth. Thickness of sandy deposits decreasing landward and a sharp erosive boundary in the base were the most common features. Textural characteristics of sandy grains revealed a beach and dune source of these sediments. Peatlands located at the back of the barrier lacked sediments, which could be linked to the storm processes. This leads to a conclusion that none of historical storm floods left an easily disti nguishable sandy layer within the Karwia Lowland.
Authors and Affiliations
Damian Moskalewicz
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