Rural trade and inequality in the south campaign: traders of the peoples in the uprising of the “libres del sud” in 1839
Journal Title: Revista de Estudios Marítimos y Sociales - Year 2010, Vol 3, Issue 3
By 1839 the government of Rosas faced a constellation of conflicts that put its continuity at risk. Featured as one of the most important internal problems that were faced by the rosismo, the uprising of 1839 was centered in the towns of Dolores and Chascomús. Specialized historiography has highlighted the active participation of a large number of traders of the villages in the leadership of the rebellion together with farmers and ranchers,. However, the explanations given of such participation have been restricted to considerations rather impressionistic. The main objective of this work is to inquire the pattern of trade at the local level as a way of approaching an understanding of the participation of Chascomús’ merchants in the rioting. The article tries to establish itself as an approach to the problem of inequality and political conflict in a context of strong economic dynamism as the one led by the Buenos Aires society of that time.
Authors and Affiliations
Antonio Galarza
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