Ruthenian-Hungarian Matrimonial Connections in the Context of the Rurik Inter-Dynasty Policy of the 10th–14th Centuries: Selected Statistical Data
Journal Title: Codrul Cosminului - Year 2018, Vol 24, Issue 1
The article analyses the statistical indicators of the Ruthenian-Hungarian marriages during the 10th–14th centuries, in the context of the matrimonial policy of the Rurik dynasty. The long tradition of the marriages of Ruthenian princesses with Hungarian Kings, Princes and some representatives of the Hungarian nobility, due to close political and economic interests, is presented. The author emphasizes that most of the brides arrived in Hungary from Rus’. The imbalance in the marriages reached its peak in the 13th – early 14th centuries, despite of the rise in 1253 of the Kingdom of Rus’, headed by Daniel Romanovich and his descendants. In this respect, is important to mention that the status of Kingdom of Rus’ was equal to of the Hungarian Kingdom on the political map of Europe. In our view, such dissonance in the matrimonial relations is due not to the lack of the long royal traditions in the Orthodox Rus’, not to the Papacy jurisdiction in the Catholic Hungary, but rather to a certain (sometimes, systemic) crisis of confidence of the Western rulers concerning Rurikids. This could be measurable especially by the example of a considerable number of the Ruthenian seekers of political asylum in Hungary, in comparison with a very small number of Hungarian princes settled in Rus’.
Authors and Affiliations
Myroslav Voloshchuk
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