The Hostage System During Han Dynasty Journal title: Journal of the Human and Social Science Researches Authors: Nurcan TÜRKER| Yrd. Doç. Dr. , Erciyes Üniversitesi Çin Dili ve Edebiyatı Subject(s): Methodology of Social Sciences
Challenging the Dynasty: Popular Protest, Chŏnggamnok and the Ideology of the Hong Kyŏngnae Rebellion Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Anders Karlsson Subject(s): History
Political Power Groups of Kory ŏ Dynasty after the Period of Yüan China’s Intervention Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Hyoung-woo Lee Subject(s): History
Development of Sagonghak during the Transition from the Koryŏ to the Chosŏn Dynasty Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Hyeon-chul Do Subject(s): History
Re-evaluation of the Chosŏn Dynasty's Trade Relationship with the Ch'ing Dynasty Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Chul-sung Lee Subject(s): History
State of Research on the Latter Period of the Chosŏn Dynasty Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Youngkyo Oh Subject(s): History
Low-class Commoners during the Koryŏ Dynasty Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Nan-ok Kim Subject(s): History
Women’s Life during the Chosŏn Dynasty Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Hee-sook Han Subject(s): History
The Interchanges between Koguryŏ and Sun-Wu and “Under the Fruit Horse Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Dae Jae Park Subject(s): History
Hydraulic Theory and Hydraulic Engineering Projects of the Wusong River (吳淞江) Basin Between the Sixteenth and Nineteenth Centuries Journal title: International Journal of Korean History Authors: Chulwoong Chung Subject(s): History
India and Central Asia: An Interpretation of Mutually Indelible Historical Relationship and its Multi Faceted Impact Journal title: International Journal of Interdisciplinary and Multidisciplinary Studies (IJIMS) Authors: Amit Kumar Singh Subject(s): Biological Sciences, Psychology, Music, Agricultural Science, Physical Education, Geography, Health and Wellness
Cartography of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the epoch of Jagiellonian rule Journal title: Polish Cartographical Review Authors: STANISŁAW ALEXANDROWICZ Subject(s):
THE IMPERIAL INSPECTION TOURS IN THE MING DYNASTY AND ZHENG HE’S VOYAGES TO THE WESTERN OCEAN (INDIAN OCEAN) Journal title: Revista Romana de Studii Eurasiatice Authors: HE PINGLI, ZHOU CHANGMING Subject(s): Economics, Law, Social Sciences, Political Science, Sociology
Kartografia ziem Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego w epoce panowania Jagiellonów Journal title: Polish Cartographical Review Authors: STANISŁAW ALEXANDROWICZ Subject(s):
Rzymska polityka dynastyczna w okresie w okresie dynastii julijsko-klaudyjskiej Journal title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia Authors: Krzysztof Królczyk Subject(s):