Sa’ad al-Faraj’s Drama in the Context of Theatrical Affairs’ Development in Kuwait in the Second Half of the Twentieth Century
Journal Title: Вісник Київського національного університету культури і мистецтв. Серія: Сценічне мистецтво - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 2
<strong>The purpose of the article</strong> is to study the activities of theaters in Kuwait in general and the interpretation of their contemporary Arabic drama on their scenes in particular against the backdrop of political events in the Middle East in the second half of the twentieth century. The author focuses on the creative work of Sa’ada al-Faraj, a famous actor, theatrical figure, playwright, and public figure in Kuwait. The researcher focuses on political circumstances that have brought about the actualization of individual topics that affect Sa’ad al-Faraj’s plays, analyzes how the confrontation between Israel and the Arab world, the policies of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser influenced the speculations of the creative intelligentsia of Kuwait. Essential for the author of the article is the problem of political censorship in modern Kuwait, which caused the short-lived scenic life of a number of plays Saad al-Faraj. Much of the intelligence is devoted to the peculiarities of poetry in drama Sad al-Faraj. In the time of his creative establishment, the artist was under the significant influence of European innovative movements in the twentieth century, and this greatly influenced the artistic image of his texts. In the center of the researcher’s attention is a play by Sa’ad al-Faraj “Tradition is another nature”, which clearly show the receptions of the epic theater Bertolt Brecht. <strong>The methodology of the research</strong> is to apply political science in order to expedite the full disclosure of the public context in the activities of Kuwait theaters and the works of playwright Sa’ad al-Faraj. Introducing the work of the Kuwaiti playwright in the world context, the author relies on system-structural and comparative methods. Essential in considering a particular dramatic work was the use of theatrical-critical analysis. <strong>The novelty of the work. </strong>For the first time, comprehensively and using political methodology and drawing on an art-study analysis, the activities of theaters in Kuwait in the second half of the twentieth century have been explored. The scientific circle introduces important information about the creative work of Sa’ad al-Faraj, which is carried out an art-study analysis of his play “Tradition is another nature”. <strong>Conclusions. </strong>Summarizing the above mentioned in Kuwait, all the major theatres were under the supervision of the governmental censor, which, according to al-Faraj, found it desirable to use the theatre only to disseminate culture ‘by presenting random and irrelevant examples from the repertoire of world theatre’.
Authors and Affiliations
Ali Al-Anezi
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