Safety and Efficacy of Saccharomyces Boulardii in Acute Adult Diarrhea
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 7
Abstract:Probiotics are defined as “live micro-organisms that confer a health benefits on the host when administered in adequate amounts.” The only yeast, saccharomycesboulardii is used in many countries as both preventive and therapeutic agent for diarrhea and other gastrointestinal disorders. This study was planned to demonstrate clinical efficacy and safety of Saccharomycesboulardii in acute adult diarrhea.This is a retrospective study conducted at Department of General Medicine of a tertiary care centre. All adult patients (age >18 years) who presented with diarrhea of less than 2 weeks duration were evaluated for possible inclusion in this study. In S. boulardii group, patients were managed by WHO-CDD protocol for diarrhea plus S. boulardii (250 mg bid) for 5 days. In the control group patients were managed by WHO-CDD protocol only. The target criteria were the changes in the frequency of stools over the preceding 24 hours and its consistency. At the two check-up, patients were asked about any side-effects, tolerability and general well being.Under S. boulardii group, patients had significant reduction in the score for stool frequency and stool quality than control group after two days treatment. In secondary variables, significant advantage of S. boulardii over control: improvement in nausea and positive assessment of treatment by patients on day 3. No severe side effects were observed in any patient and the tolerance of the active medication was described by both doctor and patient as very good or good.S. boulardii has been used as probiotic since last 6 decades, and it has been investigated in several clinical trials worldwide. S. boulardii is significantly effective for the prevention of acute adult diarrhea. Keywords:Probiotic, diarrhea, sacchromyces.
Authors and Affiliations
Ankur Gupta, Amit Choudhary, Abhishek Singhai, Rajesh Kumar Jha
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