Safety of topical ear medication in different clinical situations

Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 2


Drugs admi nistered directly into the ear canal are used for otitis extern a, chronic chronic otitis media and, in some cases, acute infl ammatio n of the middle ear in children with eardrum grommets. In some clinical conditions eardrum is incompl ete or absent, or, at the preserve d/reconstructed tympanic membrane, the rear wall of the ear canal is open to the antrum. Drugs applied topically to the external auditory canal are acidifying preparations, antiseptic substances and antiba cterial or antifungal antibiotics, steroids and also heavy metals in colloidal form. Aminogl ycosides, formerly appearing as the most common component of these drugs, because of the very high potential for ototoxicity, gradually disappea r from the group of fl uoroquinolone antibiotics. Numerous clinical studies hav e shown high thera peutic effi cacy of these compounds in the absence of ototoxicity. In view of the possibility of obt aining a high concentration of antibiotic in the site of infection, and the absence of advers e effects, typical for systemic administration of the drug, they are recommended as monotherapy in chronic otitis extern a, exacerbated chronic otitis media, and in cases of acute otitis media in children with grommets.

Authors and Affiliations

Jarosław Wysocki, Robert Bartoszewicz


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Jarosław Wysocki, Robert Bartoszewicz (2013). Safety of topical ear medication in different clinical situations. Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny, 2(2), -.