Saint Luke the Physician: his contribution to the surgical management of oral, facial and neck infections


SUMMARY: Saint Archbishop Luke the Physician (Valentin Felixovich Voino-Yasenetsky, Валентин Феликсович Войно-Ясенецкий) (1887-1961) was a prominent physician and surgeon, Professor of Topographic Anatomy and Surgery at the Medical School of the University of Tashkent, who serving parallely Medicine and the suffering man in an admirable way, he decided as a physician also of the souls of men to serve the troubled society of his time, being initially ordained priest and preacher, and later Bishop and Archbishop sequentially of Tashkent, Krasnoyarsk, Tambov and Michurinsk, and finally of Simferopol and Crimea. In his monumental scientific work "Essays on the Surgery of Pyogenic Infections," which was first published in 1934, he extensively deals with the surgical management of oral, facial and neck infections. Saint Archbishop Luke the Physician describes in a pioneering and unsurpassed way, the accurate interpretation of the course and spread of the purulent collection through anatomical pathways, as a basic parameter of the surgical management of pyogenic infections, so that the surgeon by applying the correct incision and drainage, can lead the pyogenic infections to an effective treatment.

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Anastassios MYLONAS, Effie POULAKOU-REBELAKOU, Evangelia PAPADOPOULOU (2017). Saint Luke the Physician: his contribution to the surgical management of oral, facial and neck infections. ΑΡΧΕΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΤΟΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΝΑΘΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΗΣ ΧΕΙΡΟΥΡΓΙΚΗΣ, 18(3), 129-162.