Сalculation of chemical reaction temperatures of stepwise iron reduction from hematite with СО gas and gasification of solid carbon by degrees of chemical affinities of substances with oxygen
Journal Title: International Science Journal of Engineering & Agriculture - Year 2022, Vol 1, Issue 2
This article presents the results of a theoretical analysis that made it possible to evaluate the thermodynamic conditions for the flow of chemical reactions of the stepwise reduction of iron from hematite with a reducing gas CO and the Bell–Boudoir chemical reaction (gasification of solid carbon). Taking into account the degrees of chemical affinity for oxygen of the reduced substance and the reducing agent, it is confirmed that for each of the indicated reduction reactions, there is a certain (called the “boundary” temperature by the author), up to (for the processes of reduction of magnetite from hematite and wustite from magnetite) or above (for the process of reducing iron from wuestite) which the reducing gas CO can not thermodynamically be a reducing agent for iron or its lower oxides, and also up to which the gasification of solid carbon by the Bell–Boudoir reaction is thermodynamically impossible. Using the expressions available in the literature and derived by the author of the work, graphical dependences of the numerical values of the Gibbs free energy on temperature were obtained for oxidative reactions of obtaining (due to oxidation with gaseous oxygen) iron oxides (FeO from Fe, Fe3O4 from FeO, Fe2O3 from Fe3O4 and carbon oxides (CO from C, СО2 from C and from CO), which made it possible to estimate the degree of chemical affinity of the reduced substance and the reducing agent for oxygen in these oxidative reactions; based on which all possible numerical values of the boundary temperatures and the temperature range of their thermodynamically possible occurrence were found for the reduction reactions of the stepwise production of iron from hematite with CO gas and gasification of solid carbon, the most probable of them were substantiated.
Authors and Affiliations
Panteikov Sergei
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