Satisfaction with life and health-promoting behaviours in the context of prevention and early detection of breast cancer in physically active women
Journal Title: OncoReview - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 1
Objective: Assessment of the impact of life satisfaction in physically active women on their health-promoting behaviours in terms of prevention and early detection of breast cancer. Materials and methods: The study, involving 100 women, was carried out in a fitness centre in Bydgoszcz in 2015. The research instruments used included the authors’ self-designed questionnaire and the SWLS life satisfaction score. Results: Women aged 25–34 constituted 57% of the study participants, with 82% of them domiciled in the city, and 74% of them holding secondary or higher education qualifications. 67% of them assessed their knowledge about breast cancer and breast cancer prevention programme as good, 65% of them believed it was impossible to protect oneself from cancer, 68% of them occasionally consumed alcohol. 89% of the respondents engaged in breast self-examination, and 68.4% of the subjects aged 25–34 considered excessive weight/obesity as a risk factor. 61.5% of women aged 45–60 were smokers. Respondents living in the city would dedicate one hour more for physical activity than those from the countryside. 93.2% of women with secondary/tertiary education carried out breast self-examination. Surveyed women received high scores on the scale of life satisfaction, averaging 25.69 points, they were less likely to smoke cigarettes, and more likely to engage in breast self-examination (95.5%). Conclusions: Physically active women assess their knowledge on health-promoting behaviours well, lead a healthy lifestyle, and avoid breast cancer risk factors. Physically active women accomplish a high level of life satisfaction, which is especially true for married women with a higher education degree. On the other hand, life satisfaction does not correlate with age, place of residence or marital status. Women presenting a high level of life satisfaction are more involved in health-promoting behaviours, carry out regular breast self-examination, and undergo preventative medical check-ups.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Nowicki, Beata Kosicka, Marzena Lemanowicz
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