Schulzowskie relacje transtekstualne i kontekstowe w literaturze polskiej XX i XXI wieku
Journal Title: Schulz/Forum - Year 2016, Vol 8, Issue 8
The main goal of the paper is to analyze Schulzean transtextual and contextual relations in Polish literature of the 20th and 21st century. Using the theories of Gérard Genette, the author focuses mostly on hypertextual references (such as parody, pastiche, and pamphlet), intertextual references (such as allusion, verbal incrustation, and quotation), paratexts (such as dedication, motto, title, and subtitle), architextual references (such as generic affinity) to the literary and artistic works of Bruno Schulz in fiction, poetry, drama, and picture books. The results of the analysis show that a biographical context of Schulz’s oeuvre was the most frequently invoked by Polish writers. Schulz’s fiction has also been a valuable reservoir of stylistic and compositional patterns for Polish artists.
Authors and Affiliations
Żaneta Nalewajk
Fantasmagorie. Rozważania o filmowej wyobraźni Brunona Schulza
The article is devoted to Schulz’s connections to the cinema, both as a viewer and as a writer. Since we do not know much about his experiences as a moviegoer from his art or letters, the author tries to recreate it on t...
„Tajemnica pozostała jeszcze w głębi serc…”. O zwierzętach i wyobraźni Brunona Schulza
In his stories, Bruno Schulz told the history of animals or, rather, animalized humans or humanized animals. He multiplied similarities and differences, inquiring about the nature of their origin. His artistic imaginatio...
Dlaczego Bruno Schulz nie chciał być pisarzem żydowskim (o „wymazywaniu” żydowskości w Sanatorium pod Klepsydrą i Sklepach cynamonowych)
The absence of the Drogobych synagogue in Bruno Schulz’s fiction suggests his strategy of erasing all the traces of his cultural identity. Next to that absence, one can notice his significant choice of names – to realize...
The fourth issue of “Schulz/Forum” is an opportunity to draw conclusions, but also to correct the originally chosen approach. Its dominant are Jewish motifs in Schulz’s life and fiction. Besides, it contains a new rubric...
Przypadek hermeneutyki fenomenologicznej Brunona Schulza
The fundamental premise of Bruno Schulz’s theory of interpretation is an assumption that reality has some meaning. This meaning is an intentional object which must be discovered in a process of creative interpretation. I...