Scientific and practical seminar "Disputes in the field of merchant shipping and ways of resolution"

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2019, Vol 18, Issue 4


On August 16, 2019, a scientifically-practical seminar "Disputes in the field of merchant shipping and ways to resolve them" took place in Odesa. An event was organized by the Committee on Transport Law of the Ukrainian Bar Association, the Committee on Maritime Law of the Association of Advocates of Ukraine and the Committee on Transport Law of the Bar Council of Odesa Region. The event was attended by Yuriy Sergeev, a lawyer, a PhD, a Chairman of the Maritime Law Committee of the AAU, a managing partner of Sergeyevs` Law Office LTD, an associate professor of the Department of Maritime and Customs Law of National University “Odessa Law Academy”; Artur Nicevich, a lawyer, a Chairman of the Transport Law Committee of the BCOR, a partner of Interlegal. Also, Vitaliy Serafimov, a lawyer, a PhD, an associate professor, an associate professor of the Department of Maritime and Customs Law of National University “Odessa Law Academy”, a managing partner of the Law Group “Vitaliy Serafimov & Partners” and Tatiana Averochkina, a Doctor of Legal Sciences, the Head of the Laboratory of the Department of Maritime and Customs Law National University “Odessa Law Academy” took part in the seminar. The issues discussed during the event dealt with the various aspects involved in resolving disputes between crew members, shipowners and mutual insurance clubs, litigations involving maritime agents, the specifics of litigation in GAFTA arbitration, and debt recovery from shipping companies and sanctions, used in merchant shipping. During the event, the procedural features and significant advantages of giving a lawsuit and examination a case at the Maritime Arbitration Commission at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Ukraine were emphasized. Also, the theoretical and the practical aspects of the application of the new procedural legislation applicable in the field of merchant shipping were emphasized. Due to the heated discussion, the participants of the event managed to be convinced of the well-established stable practice of applying the norms of the national legislation and the international agreements in the field of merchant shipping in Ukraine and to emphasize ways of its possible development and gradual improvement.

Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Averochkina, Татьяна Аверочкина, Тетяна Аверочкіна


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  • EP ID EP666789
  • DOI 10.26886/2524-101X.4.2019.7
  • Views 100
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How To Cite

Tetiana Averochkina, Татьяна Аверочкина, Тетяна Аверочкіна (2019). Scientific and practical seminar "Disputes in the field of merchant shipping and ways of resolution". Lex portus, 18(4), 105-106.