The History of Development of the Customs Affairs in Europe: the Periods and the Main Trends

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1


The present article provides the review of the peculiarities of customs affairs development in Europe. The main periods such as the customs of antiquity, the customs of medieval ages and the customs of modern times are defined. Besides the characteristics of the particular periods are given. The transformation of the virtues customs duties from the road tolls to the national taxes is also analyzed.

Authors and Affiliations

Борис Кормич, Borys Kormych


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How To Cite

Борис Кормич, Borys Kormych (2016). The History of Development of the Customs Affairs in Europe: the Periods and the Main Trends. Lex portus, 1(1), 51-63.