Scientific and Technical Support of Investigative Activities
Journal Title: ПИТАННЯ БОРОТЬБИ ЗІ ЗЛОЧИННІСТЮ - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 33
The article deals with the issue of scientific and technical support of investigative activities. The greater focus is placed on the correlation of notions «scientific and technical resources» and «technical and criminalistical resources». The basic criterion is the origin of theses resources. If they are borrowed from different branches of science and technology without special adaptation to meeting demands of criminalistics, that allows to identify them as scientific and technical resources; on the other hand, if they are made or adapted specially for using them during investigation and preventing crimes they have to be considered as technical and criminalistical resources. The notion of «scientific and technical resources» that is developed by criminalistics and meets its demands or is used to deal with its issues is broadly congruent with the notion of «technical and criminalistical resources» and is distinguished from it only by the complex of the devices, appliances, tools, materials and the ways of their using taken without changes from other spheres of human activity. The etymology of the term «support» has been analyzed in the article. Thus we insist on using this term as a system of activities focused on raising the scientific and technical potential of procedural activity, where an investigator, a prosecutor and a detective stand as the parties of legal process. This system include: the activities in development, improvement, borrowing and using resources (both material – the equipment itself, and theoretical – the scientific theses and recommendations), and the activities on qualifying the subjects of its appliance. The author’s definition of the notion «scientific and technical support of investigative activity» is given. It is the component part of the criminalistical support which represents the development of scientific principles and recommendations focused on raising the scientific and technical pool of the procedural activity, where an investigator, a prosecutor and a detective stand as the parties of legal process by means of improvement of technical resources, organizational and legal basis of its appliance.
Authors and Affiliations
Н. В. Павлюк, N. V. Pavliuk
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