Scientific Approaches to Implementing the Multicultural Education of Children in the Process of Professional Preparation of Future Educators


Scientific approaches to conducting multicultural upbringing of children of preschool age have been cleared up in the article. The issue of the preparation of future tutors in conducting multicultural upbringing of children under school age has been revealed. It is mentioned that the integration process creates preconditions for mastering pedagogical education in accordance to the demands of the European educational space. It introduces new approaches in the preparation of tutors for children under school age. It is also mentioned that one of the tasks of the educational system is the protection of national cultures and of regional cultural traditions under the conditions of a multinational country. It is a multicultural state of any territory of our country that stipulates the necessity of a multicultural upbringing on a regional basis. Attention is paid to the topic of a armonic functioning of multicultural socium being possible under the condition of upbringing its citizens a the system of universal values and priorities, among which the most important is mastering of one’s own culture, the creation of a tolerant attitude, the development of abilities and skills of productive interaction with representatives of another culture. The tutor has a special role forming the multicultural world outlook of children of a pre-school age. They enrich their experience of multicultural communication, which is a determinant in their further life. In this aspect, professional preparation for future tutors towards the multicultural upbringing of children of pre-school age gets special importance under the conditions of a modern, culturally diverse, society.

Authors and Affiliations

Лариса Зданевич


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How To Cite

Лариса Зданевич (2016). Scientific Approaches to Implementing the Multicultural Education of Children in the Process of Professional Preparation of Future Educators. Studia Zarządzania i Finansów Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 11(), 95-103.