The authors present a rare case of the primary multiple planoepithelial laryngeal cancer and clarocellular renal cancer in a patient operated in the Clinic. The patient, called F.J., was admitted to the Clinic of Otolary...
SUMMARY Introduction: 35deIG mutation in GJB2 gene is the most frequent mutation in genetic hearing loss. The carrier screening for 35deIG mutation to identify affected newborns is at the moment relatively inexpensive me...
In otosclerosis patients the most common procedure followed at Otosurgical Dept. Medical University of Lodz is stapedotomy with insertion of teflon-piston prosthesis. When surgery is finished a whisper hearing test is do...
Aim: The aim of the study is the analyses of salivary gland tumors on 193 patients who underwent surgery at the Otolaryngology Clinical Ward of 4th Military Clinical Hospital with the Polyclinic in Wrocław in the years 1...
EP ID EP51820
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How To Cite
Henryk Skarżyński (2009). Scientific report from the 27th Politzer Society Meeting, London 3-5.09.09. Otolaryngologia Polska, 63(5),
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Rzadki przypadek pierwotnego mnogiego raka płaskonabłonkowego krtani i jasnokomórkowego nerki
The authors present a rare case of the primary multiple planoepithelial laryngeal cancer and clarocellular renal cancer in a patient operated in the Clinic. The patient, called F.J., was admitted to the Clinic of Otolary...
Preimplantaion genetic diagnosis of hearing Ioss with 35deIG mutation in GJB2 gene — preliminary report
SUMMARY Introduction: 35deIG mutation in GJB2 gene is the most frequent mutation in genetic hearing loss. The carrier screening for 35deIG mutation to identify affected newborns is at the moment relatively inexpensive me...
Subjective interaoperative hearing self-assessment in patients after stapedotomy comparing to postoperative pure-tone audiometry
In otosclerosis patients the most common procedure followed at Otosurgical Dept. Medical University of Lodz is stapedotomy with insertion of teflon-piston prosthesis. When surgery is finished a whisper hearing test is do...
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Guzy ślinianek w materiale Klinicznego Oddziału Otolaryngologicznego 4 Wojskowego Szpitala Klinicznego z Polikliniką we Wrocławiu w latach 1992–2008
Aim: The aim of the study is the analyses of salivary gland tumors on 193 patients who underwent surgery at the Otolaryngology Clinical Ward of 4th Military Clinical Hospital with the Polyclinic in Wrocław in the years 1...