Scrubbers as shipowners’ response to the sulphur directive and its implications for the waste management in Baltic Ports

Journal Title: Współczesna Gospodarka - Year 2015, Vol 6, Issue 4


The paper investogates the recent developments in exhaust gas cleaning systems and the growing interests in scrubber installation among ferry and ro-ro shipowners operating on the Baltic Sea. This technology creates the need for reception of scrubber sludge, which is produced alongside with gas cleaning. The study states that the information about the disposal of scrubber waste is largely limited or vague and evaluates – on the basis of a questionnaire – the availability of port reception facilities for the disposal of waste from sulphur scrubbers at major Baltic Sea ports. The paper concludes that a review of current legislature on port reception facilities is absolutely necessary and expresses the hope that the situation will improve in the wake of recent environmental regulations.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Klopott


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How To Cite

Magdalena Klopott (2015). Scrubbers as shipowners’ response to the sulphur directive and its implications for the waste management in Baltic Ports. Współczesna Gospodarka, 6(4), 87-94.