Selected issues of legal interpretation in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal.

Journal Title: Polish Law Review - Year 2016, Vol 2, Issue 1


The ongoing dispute in Poland about the position of the political system and the functioning of the Constitutional Tribunal highlight the problems of exegesis applied by this court.<br/><br/>The aim of the article is to analyse selected problems, signalled in the public discourse: the Constitutional Tribunal acting as a judge in its own case and the use of dynamic and static interpretation methods.<br/><br/>The basis for the considerations was a discussion about the functions occupied by the Constitutional Tribunal, including interference function, and the basic classification of law interpretation, with particular emphasis on the dynamic and static interpretation. In this respect, the author presents an analysis of the admissibility and the consequences of the use of these methods of interpretation in the Tribunal’s jurisprudence.<br/><br/>Moreover, it presents the principle of nemo iudex in causa sua, including its role in the Polish legal system and the permitted exceptions.<br/><br/>The result of the study is the statement that the legislation does not define acceptable methods of interpretation, which means that the entity making the interpretation has discretion to choose an appropriate method. At the same time, a theory has been formed that the use of dynamic interpretation of constitutional models should be an exception, justified by the occurrence of significant socio-economic changes.<br/><br/>

Authors and Affiliations

Piotr Szudejko


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  • EP ID EP187518
  • DOI 10.5604/24509841.1232095
  • Views 156
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How To Cite

Piotr Szudejko (2016). Selected issues of legal interpretation in the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Tribunal.. Polish Law Review, 2(1), 88-100.