Self-governmental poviat prevention program of cardiovascular diseases
Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2012, Vol 122, Issue 2
[b]Introduction. [/b]Independent Public Health Care Centre in Krasnik in 2007-2010 implemented self- government preventive health program “The prevention of cardiovascular diseases” among rural residents in seven communes of Kraśnik Poviat. The program was commissioned and financed by Kraśnicki Poviat, represented by the Poviat Starosty in Kraśnik. [b]Aim.[/b] The aim of the program was to decrease morbidity and mortality from cardiovascular diseases in population covered by the program through early detection, reducing the incidence and intensity of risk factors. [b]Material and methods. [/b]The program covered 1,810 young subjects (35-55 years) who had not been diagnosed with any cardiovascular system disease. The program had three phases. In the first phase cardiovascular disease risk factors were identified with the survey and there was selected a group of people who were identified with benchmarks for participation in the second phase. Phase II consisted in visiting the cardiologist, who after the earlier analysis of biochemical and physical examinations chose the eligible subjects to phase III. In this step there were performed at least three specialist cardiological examinations and a follow up visit at the cardiologist, who confirmed the diagnosis and referred to a further, continuous cardiological treatment. [b]Results.[/b] In 41 people taking part in the program, i.e. 2.26% of the analyzed group, the cardiovascular system diseases were identified, which required further specialist treatment. The risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, which usually motivated poviat residents to participate in the preventive program, were: the family history and obesity/overweight. [b]Conclusions.[/b] It was found that cardiovascular diseases are a serious health problem among the young and healthy inhabitants of rural areas of Kraśnik Poviat. Participants were willing to take part only in the initial stage of the program. With similar preventive programs local governments can effectively identify health problems of their residents.
Authors and Affiliations
Marek Kos, Piotr Książek, Bartłomiej Drop, Katarzyna Drop
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