Wiedza młodziezy szkół ponadgimnazjalnych powiatu nowotarskiego na temat przyczyn i skutków nadwagi i otyłości oraz ich profilaktyki

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2011, Vol 121, Issue 3


Introduction. Epidemiological studies provide evidence of increasing prevalence of obesity in Poland, as well as abroad. The obesity epidemic has its roots mainly in environmental factors: availability of highly processed, cheap food containing much fat and simple carbohydrates, and significant reduction of daily physical activity. The most important determinant of health is a healthy lifestyle, and therefore it is essential to manage an effective health education for adolescents. An important component of a health care system involving children and young people is the education showing young people an opportunity to make healthy choices, which should have an impact on improving conditions of the society’s health. Aim. The purpose of the study was to learn about the knowledge of the secondary schools’ students about the dangers related to the prophylaxis of obesity and its consequenc¬es, and the need of the students for health education. Material and methods. The research was conducted in secondary schools in Nowy Targ County from November 2007 to March 2008. The method used for that purpose was a diagnosis survey, including a survey questionnaire, directed at 859 students aged 16-19, including 366 boys and 493 girls. Conclusions. Effectiveness of pro-health education of the 2nd grade students of secondary schools in terms of the issues related to overweight and obesity prevention and their effects is unsatisfactory. Girls demonstrated a higher level of knowledge of the discussed issues. While planning health education for the youth, it is necessary to focus especially on boys, who represent a poorer state of knowledge on the issues that the students know the least about. In order to increase its efficiency, health education should be connected with a program of prophylaxis and health promotion at school, and should be completed in a close cooperation with school workers and parents.

Authors and Affiliations

Maria Zięba, Anna Obuchowicz


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How To Cite

Maria Zięba, Anna Obuchowicz (2011). Wiedza młodziezy szkół ponadgimnazjalnych powiatu nowotarskiego na temat przyczyn i skutków nadwagi i otyłości oraz ich profilaktyki. Polish Journal of Public Health, 121(3), 253-257. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-113925