Self-inflicted trauma as a complication after local dental anaesthesia in children - case reports
Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2018, Vol 71, Issue 2
Introduction. The pain or suffering associated with dental treatment is the most common reason for limiting or even avoiding visits to the dentist. Currently, pain control and anxiety reduction are important parts of dental practice. Deprived of pain, the patient is well tolerated by the treatment and by peaceful behavior it gives the dentist the right conditions for precise work. Aim of the study. To present three cases of self-inflicted in children after local anaesthesia and to discuss preventive and therapeutic treatment. Conclusions. The injury of the lips or cheek as a result of the patient's bite after a mandibular nerve anaesthesia is a common complication observed especially in children. It is therefore important to keep parents / guardians informed of the possibility of such injury, as well as about keeping the child secure so that they do not bite on anesthetized tissues. These lesions quickly heal and require only symptomatic treatment to alleviate local ailments. Antibiotic therapy is not indicated unless the tissues become secondarily infected.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Mariusz Lipski
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