Self-medication correlated to urinary tract infections in women of the fertile age of ma-ternity Babahoyo year 2019
Journal Title: Más Vita - Year 2020, Vol 2, Issue 2
Self-medication is a public health problem worldwide. In our country, the medical community experiences this problem in all its areas of care for self-medication. In studies carried out by the Ministry of Health, 50% of the Ecuadorian population in urban areas self-medical and 63% in rural areas. Objective: the objective is the validation of the instruments (JVMD) (EAMD) to determine the causes of self-medication correlated to urinary tract infections in women of childbearing age. Methods and Materials: It is descriptive, because it measures the information of the collected data; it is cross-sectional because it analyzes data collected in a period on a population and sample of 28 women, using IBM SPSS software, which allows us to obtain important data. The quantitative-qualitative instruments developed analyzed and the validation was by expert judgments for their application. Results: We witnessed a validity of 95.60%, the relevance was 92.13% and its coherence was 90.38% in its entirety of 278.11, giving us a result of 92.70% reliability. Conclusion. This study provides instruments whose results make it possible to measure the knowledge and perception of self-medication in women of childbearing age
Authors and Affiliations
Gladys Adelaida Díaz Padilla
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