Self-medication in the Elderly. Consultorio Médico de La Familia # 15, Jesús Menén-dez, Cuba. 2018
Journal Title: Más Vita - Year 2020, Vol 2, Issue 2
The practice of self-me-dication constitutes health risks, mainly, for older adults due to the changes typi-cal of aging that exist at this stage of life. Objective: To determine the behavior of self-medication in the elderly of the Con-sultorio Medico de La Familia (CMF) # 15 of the municipality of Jesús Menéndez, in the 1st semester of 2018. Methodology:A descriptive, quantitative study was ca-rried out. The population was 359 older adults; the sample was constituted for 151 patients, using the sample calcula-tion formula to obtain it. The interview was used as a technique to obtain data, stud-ying the following variables: conditions for which they self-medicate, non-prescrip-tion drug groups that consume the most, sex with the highest incidence. Results: Osteomyoarticular pain is the main condi-tion for which they consume medications without a prescription with 66.2%. The 100% of the gerontos consume NSAID type medications without prescription of a doctor for the relief of present pain; the female sex is of higher incidence repre-sented by 53.6%. Conclusions: It is con-cluded that there is a practice of self-me-dication in this population group, being the pain of the osteomyoarticular system the main condition that induces them to consume drugs with out a prescription. It was detected that the drugs with the hi-ghest self-medicated consumption are those belonging to the drug group known as NSAIDs and that the female sex is of greater incidence in the consumption of self-medicated medication
Authors and Affiliations
Youdesley Ávila Peña, Héctor Mariño Cano, Ladis Nicolasa Peña Pérez, Taycia Ramírez Pérez Pérez
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