Семантична типологія і мовна репрезентація неозначено-предметного суб’єкта
Journal Title: Studia Ucrainica Varsoviensia - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue
The article sets out to provide analyses of indefi nite-personal sentences as a way of language semantics representation regarding the peculiar third-person subject. It was defi ned that indefi nite-personal subject semantics is represented in sentences which consist of the verbal third-person singular predicate in the Present or Future Tense. It may also be represented in sentences which consist of the verbal predicate of neuter gender in the Past Tense in cases of a lack of the subject syntaxeme and are used in such functional variants as: indefi nite-uncertain, indefi nite-irrelevant, indefi nite-incomprehensible, and indefi nitelocative. They are the effect of the varieties of indefi niteness of semantics interaction with third-person semantics. This points to their personal subjects.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Natalija Jasakowa
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