Semantics of Colors in the Chinese Linguistic Culture on the Basis of Phraseological Units

Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 8


The given article deals with the Chinese language, specifically, how the colors are understood in the Chinese linguistic culture.The article represents semantic of colous and theory of study intercommunication of perception of colour and language. The author singled how traditional linguocultural constants are changed according to the activization of cultural, political and economic contacts of China with other countries. Such colours as white, yellow, green, red and black are studied in the article. The history of color: the way it was understood before, and what significance it has today is described. The article represents the analysis of idioms in modern Chinese language, which are the striking example of symbolicalness’s determination of different colors in the Chinese culture.

Authors and Affiliations

Iryna Isakova


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  • EP ID EP648482
  • DOI 10.31475/fil.dys.2018.08.16
  • Views 84
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How To Cite

Iryna Isakova (2018). Semantics of Colors in the Chinese Linguistic Culture on the Basis of Phraseological Units. Філологічний дискурс, 0(8), 149-157.