Sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification in breast cancer patients, using SentiMag® ferromagnetic method. Assessment of usefulness and limitations in group of our own patients
Journal Title: Annales Academiae Medicae Silesiensis - Year 2016, Vol 70, Issue
OBJECTIVE: The paper aims to assess SLN signal intensity, depending on: breast density according to ACR (American College of Radiology), age, the presence of scars and the time from tracer administration. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study encompassed 161 SLN biopsies. The study group included 14 patients with scars. RESULTS: Analysing the influence of ACR-based breast density and the time from tracer administration on the SLN signal intensity, a statistically positive correlation was found between signal intensity and the time from tracer administration in patients with ACR levels 1 and 2. In the ACR level 3 and 4 groups, no significant correlation was found. SLN signal intensity in relation to the patients’ age indicated a statistically significant negative correlation of SLN signal intensity in the entire group and in ACR 1. The analysis of 14 patients with scars demonstrated a statistically significant lower SLN signal intensity. CONCLUSIONS: It was found that the time from Sienna+® administration affects SLN signal intensity in relation to ACR-based breast density types 1 and 2. No such correlation was observed in density types 3 and 4. Elderly patients, especially with ACR-based breast density types 1 and 2, are more likely to present lower values of SLN impulses. Patients who had earlier surgical interventions within the upper external quadrants are more likely to present lower values of SLN impulses.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Lorek, Ewa Szlachta-Świątkowska, Agnieszka Boratyn-Nowicka
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