Septimius Severus et Senatores raz jeszcze.
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue
Polemika z Cesarem Lettą (C. Letta, Settimio Severo e il senato, [w:] Epigrafia e ordine senatorio, 30 anni dopo, Roma 2014, p. 127-141)
Authors and Affiliations
Danuta Okoń
Epistemologiczne problemy badań interdyscyplinarnych
In the paper, the author summarizes two basic types of methodologies which are characteristic of the humanities, including social sciences, and sciences as such, i.e. anti-naturalism and naturalism. Then she goes on to...
Si Athenes était une île...
In the article, the author describes and comments on the policies of Athens after the crisis of 447–445 BC. The policy was naval in character, associated with the domination on the Aegean Sea. Thanks to the policy Athens...
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Największe oszustwo historii, Rec. książki: Yuval Noah Harari, Od zwierząt do bogów. Krótka historia ludzkości, tłum. Justyn Hunia, Dom Wydawniczy PWN, Warszawa 2014, 518 s. + wkładka z ilustracjami
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Bunt w Sucro 206 r. p.n.e. — czyli społeczne koszty budowy imperium
The article addresses the issue of relations between Rome and its provinces on the example of the community of legionnaires serving on the Iberian Peninsula. The legion service was not limited to the military aspect, whi...