Services in the Agricultural Production System. Comparative Structural Levels
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 2
This paper presents the characteristic of services in agriculture and offers a description of the dynamics recorded by this sector in the Romanian economy. It is taken into account that services in agriculture have a set of peculiarities, depending on the characteristics of rural environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Statistical Analysis of Macroeconomic Variables
This report comprises an analysis over 40 countries from the group ONECE and over the following two variables : GDP per capita and Unemployment rate in the year 2011. The following report consist of more sections; it beg...
Activitatea “Diseminarea Informaţiilor Statistice”, în contact direct cu utilizatorii de date şi informaţii statistice
Activitatea “Diseminarea Informaţiilor Statistice Româneşti” asigură un permanent contact între direcţiile din Institutul Naţional de Statistică şi utilizatorii de date şi informaţii statistice.
Consideraţii privind regimul temperaturii aerului, în lunile de toamna, în Oltenia
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Fisher F Test with significantly low values in small samples
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