Services Provided by Drop in Centre (DIC) to Patient Living with HIV/AIDS in a Tertiary Health Care Centre in Mumbai
Journal Title: Progress in Health Sciences - Year 2012, Vol 2, Issue 1
Purpose: To assess the role of drop in centre in providing assistance to Patients Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHA). Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted at a Drop in Centre (DIC) located in tertiary health care centre in Mumbai. All the HIV positive persons who attended DIC during the period from January 2007 to December 2010 were included as study participants. After explaining aim of the study, written informed consent was obtained from all participants. Each of the study participants was interviewed face to face using a pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire. Drop in centre assessment was done based on the modes of assistance provided to the clients in accordance with the problems faced by them. Due care was taken to maintain privacy and confidentiality of study participants. Analysis was done with SPSS 16 version using frequency and percentages. Results: 65.1% of the study participants were male and 78% from 31 –45 years age group. In the duration of study, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) support was offered to only 10.1% of PLHA’s. Ignorance about HIV/AIDS was the most common psycho-social issue identified in 1068 (39.2%) subjects. Conclusion: Efforts need to be taken for strengthening of DIC services and collateral referral system including NGO’s. Also, the importance of establishing l inkages with local PLHA networks should be stressed. Ignorance about HIV / AIDS was the major psycho-social issue identified and thus in tensified IEC activities are required.
Authors and Affiliations
RS Saurabh, SB Prateek
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