At Stefan Batory University of Vilnius in the period from 1919 until 1939 apart from Poles also Jews, Byelorussians, Russians and Ukrainians studied. All of them tried to set up their own organizations, to develop cultur...
The times of the Great Theatre Reform were a period of rapid and meaningfal changes at the turn of the 19th century which have given rise to the many experiments and disputes aimed at defining the role of the new art. Th...
The article is devoted to the Ukrainian political folklore which was published in the inter-war press of the Ukrainian emigration. Some emigrant journals were published in Poland. The pages of these publications publishe...
Władimir Mjakiszew (1999). Шесть "обличий" Литовского Cтатутa : от первопечатного до юбилейного издания (1588-1989). ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Białorusini na Uniwersytecie Stefana Batorego w Wilnie : (rekonesans)
At Stefan Batory University of Vilnius in the period from 1919 until 1939 apart from Poles also Jews, Byelorussians, Russians and Ukrainians studied. All of them tried to set up their own organizations, to develop cultur...
Wielotworzywowy metakontekst Wielkiej Reformy Teatralnej jako perspektywa badawcza dla teatralnego potencjału gatunkowej formy dramatu
The times of the Great Theatre Reform were a period of rapid and meaningfal changes at the turn of the 19th century which have given rise to the many experiments and disputes aimed at defining the role of the new art. Th...
Семантика: слово, предложение, текст, ред. С.С. Ваулина, Издательство Российского государственного университета им. Иммануила Канта, Калининград 2007, ss. 181.
Folklor polityczny w czasopismach emigracji ukraińskiej wydawanych w międzywojennej Polsce
The article is devoted to the Ukrainian political folklore which was published in the inter-war press of the Ukrainian emigration. Some emigrant journals were published in Poland. The pages of these publications publishe...
Desubstantywne osobowe nazwy subiektów właściwości z formatem sufiskalnym w nadnarwiańskich gwarach białoruskich Białostocczyzny