Sexual activity and sexual satisfaction of women in low-risk and high-risk pregnancy
Journal Title: Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue 48
Introduction. Pregnancy is a period of dynamic physiological, emotional and social changes which influence all the life spheres of a woman, including the sexual sphere. The article presents a concise review of studies concerning the impact of pregnancy on women’s sexuality. Aim. The aim of the presented study was to compare sexual activity and satisfaction of pregnant women, taking into consideration the case of low-risk pregnancy and high-risk pregnancy. Material and methods. The study covered 131 patients: 68 women with low-risk pregnancy and 63 women with highrisk pregnancy. The measurement was based on the “Sexuality” scale of Fahrenberg’s Questionnaire of Life Satisfaction FLZ (its Polish version by Chodkiewicz) and a self-constructed survey questionnaire. Results. Sexual activity is more often taken up by women with low-risk pregnancy. The analysis proved the lack of statistically significant differences in the perceived sexual satisfaction between the group of women with low-risk pregnancy and those with high-risk pregnancy. Approximately one-fourth of women in both groups evaluate their sexual satisfaction as low. Nearly all the pregnant women indicated some obstacles to taking up sexual activity, i.e. concerns about the baby, difficulty with the choice of the best position or changes in breast sensitivity. Conclusions. The condition of threat to pregnancy does not have a negative impact on pregnant women’s evaluation of sexual satisfaction but does have a negative impact on taking up sexual activity. Pregnant women have many fears concerning the taking up of sexual activity. It is necessary for medical staff to educate and support women in that regard.
Authors and Affiliations
Michalina Ilska, Hanna Przybyła-Basista, Aleksander Ilski, Wojciech Cnota
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