Shadow Economy: Positive and Negative Effects [Тіньова економіка: позитивні та негативні ефекти]
Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2019, Vol 5, Issue 3
In the article, the phenomenon of shadow economy is considered through the prism of existing approaches to its positive or negative assessment. As a result, the author substantiates the thesis that the negative effects of the shadow economy prevail. It has been established that in the evolution of the shadow economy, negative effects begin to dominate completely, since it is the negative effect that the property has to accumulate and grow exponentially. In turn, the positive effects are not inherent in the criminalized part of the shadow economy, and only in its limited size. Taking into account the existing negative and positive effects of the shadow economy, it was concluded that the presence of the latter does not eliminate the need for the state to take measures to combat the shadow economy (not only with its criminalized part but also with that which is beyond the framework of criminality).
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Gordeychuk
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