Щодо встановлення охороноздатності твору на початковому етапі досудового розслідування злочинів передбачених ст. 176 КК України
Journal Title: Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка - Year 2017, Vol 78, Issue 2
У статті розглянуто окремі проблемні питання початкового етапу досудового розслідування порушень авторського права та суміжних прав. Визначено та обґрунтовано необхідність установлення такого специфічного факту, як охороноздатність твору. Зазначені умови охороноздатності твору та окреслені потрібні дії слідчого для встановлення таких умов. Визначено окремі особливості порядку встановлення охороноздатності твору. The article deals with some problematic issues of the initial stage of pre-trial investigation of infringements of copyright and related rights. It is determined and grounded the need to establish such a specific fact as the protection of the work. These conditions of protection of the work and outline the necessary actions of the investigator to establish such conditions. Determined certain features of the order of establishing the security of the work. Features of the initial stage of investigation of violations of copyright and related rights are associated with the features of the mapping of the crime in the environment, and with the need for their separation from administrative and legal delinquencies. It should be emphasized that, at the initial stage of pre-trial investigation of crimes connected with violations of copyright and related rights, it is necessary to carry out significant volumes of actions for establishing the method and subject of violation, the size of pecuniary damage, as well as other attributes peculiar to this crime. Features of investigation of crimes connected with violation of copyright and related rights are due, first of all, to the nature of circumstances that are subject to proof and disclosed in copyright law. One of these circumstances is the protection of the work. The establishment of this fact is necessary in connection with the fact that copyright law and, accordingly, the criminal law of Ukraine protects not all works. Some authors allow the use of their works without charge, and the legislator has provided for cases of free use of objects of copyright and related rights. Therefore, for the correct orientation, the investigator must have information on whether a particular work is protected. Proof of the protection of a work is to establish that this work is protected by law and can not be used without the permission of the right holder. At the initial stage of the investigation it is necessary to find out the violation of which rights are being addressed (copyright or related) and whether it is subject to legal protection. The establishment of this fact is necessary because, after the expiration of the terms of copyright or related rights, the work becomes a category of "public domain". Payment of royalties for use of such work is not obligatory. A work may be attributed to a public property also in case of permission of the author for its free use. It should be remembered that personal (non-property) rights are always stored by the author even when transferring the exclusive rights to use the work. Illegal use of objects of copyright or related rights violates the exclusive rights of property, and the appropriation of authorship - the personal rights of the author or performer.
Authors and Affiliations
Олександр Анатолійович Севідов
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