Should Marijuana be Legalized in India?


Marijuana alludes to the dried leaves, stems, and flowers, seeds of the cannabis sativa or cannabis indica plants. These plants contain a mind-altering chemical known as THC. It contains about 400 chemicals and THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol) brings forth the psychoactive effect. Marijuana is the most frequently abused drug in the world. There are various methods of abuse with regards to marijuana such as it is usually smoked blunts, cigarettes, pipe, etc. Marijuana is also at times mixed with food and other edibles. Possession of marijuana is illegal in the majority of jurisdictions regardless of its purposes. Nonetheless, in certain countries, possession and usage of marijuana are legal for various purposes such as recreational purposes and medical purposes. In context to India, marijuana must not be legalized as it causes plenty of effects to the human beings which violates Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. Firstly, the authors in the research article would be dealing in detail with the overview of marijuana and its chemical components. Secondly, the methods of abuse would be dealt with in detail. Thirdly, the authors of the research article would be dealing with the short term and long term effects on the body and brain due to the usage of marijuana. Fourthly, the authors would be addressing the issue of whether marijuana can be legalized for medical purposes. During this submission, the authors with various references would be substantiating that marijuana does not suffice to medical necessity as it causes a lot of damage to the human body. The main thought process of the authors in the research article by referring to the above submissions is that marijuana must not be legalized in India. V. S. Krishna | Abhinov Vaidynathan"Should Marijuana be Legalized in India?" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018, URL:

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How To Cite

(2018). Should Marijuana be Legalized in India?. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 2(5), 770-774.