Siber Güvenliğin Uluslararası Politikada Etki Aracına Dönüşmesi ve Uluslararası Aktörler
Journal Title: GÜVENLİK STRATEJİLERİ DERGİSİ - Year 2018, Vol 14, Issue 27
Cyber area, which becomes one of the important factors of changing world, attracts attention with its qualities. Cyber attacks that create a parameter in terms of interest struggle are included into the discussion field of international relations through attracting different actors. Cyber security, which became an effect tool in international policy, has started to transform many of its components into attacking concept. In this context, approaches and conceptual unity within international relations have also made cyber area to be researched theoretically. In this study, cyber attacks and data about cyber intelligence are evaluated in terms of international policy; and evaluations on actors are analyzed theoretically and through practical examples.
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2006 Seçimleriyle HAMAS’ın Filistin İçinde Değişen Konumu (2006-2010)
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