SiddharSamanaMarutthuvam (Siddha balancing therapies) – A novel way for treating diseases


Siddha medicine comprises of four different therapies for the enhancement of good health and prevention of diseases in which the deranged humors are not allowed the physical body and mental soul. Siddha therapies increase the acceptability of body to various therapeutic regimens like prevention of Narai(premature),Thirai(loss of sense), Pini(disease), Mooppu(ageing)using Samanamartutthuvam (balancing therapy) for bio cleansing, detoxification, rejuvenation, anti oxidation etc. Siddha Samana Marutthuvam is believed to impart radical elimination of disease causing deranged humours and maintain its equilibrium. Kaya Sutthiparigaram (Biocleansing therapy). It is superior and first line of therapy for curative and preventive medicine like Thodanivarthi, Kutrasamanam, Kutramthannilai etc. explained in Siddhar texts. Bio cleansing therapy is believed to impart radical elimination of disease causing factors and maintain the equilibrium of mukkutrams, Marundhuparigaram (Drug therapy) is the management of diseases by inducing appetite and specific drugs administration, UnavuParigaram (Diet therapy) is fasting and diet control and Karpaparigaram (Anti-aging therapy) is yogam, rejununative medicines and preventive medicine. Samanamarutthuvam plays a definite role in the management of diseases especially of neuromuscular, rheumatological and gastrointestinal origin. It also periodically utilized for the purpose of preservation, maintenance and conservation of health and the promotion of life longevity. Based on Siddha principles and own experiences, certain techniques and procedures according to Kutram (humours), Thegam (body constitution), Siru and Peru Pozhuthu (Time and Season) and Marundhu (specific drugs for therapy). It consists of main therapies, preparatory therapies and post operative follow-up therapies.

Authors and Affiliations

J Jeyavenkatesh


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How To Cite

J Jeyavenkatesh (2018). SiddharSamanaMarutthuvam (Siddha balancing therapies) – A novel way for treating diseases. International Journal of Allied Medical Sciences and Clinical Research, 6(3), 713-722.