SIGNIFICANCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL HERMENEUTICS: THE NEED, BENEFITS -A Psychological Approach to Qur’ān- (Psikolojik Tefsirin Önemi, Duyulan İhtiyaç, Yararları)
Journal Title: Hikmet Yurdu Düşünce - Yorum Sosyal Bilimler Araştırma Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 10, Issue 19
Contemporary scientific developments have caused a need for psychologi-cal hermeneutics. Clarifying the Qur’ānic understanding, revealing Qur’ānic verses that are – directly or indirectly – related to psychological content, determining the psychological knowledge in current Qur’ānic legacy, demonstrating the Qur’ānic perspective on humans, revealing one of the laconic aspects of Qur’ān, providing an opportunity to explain Qur’ān to secular minds, recognition of individual’s self ac-curately, clarifying the evidence of the “living”, providing a unique perspective for researchers against scientific developments, presenting the divine word according to the needs and expectations of Muslims in our age, training human personality based on divine values, benefiting from Qur’ān in a more informed and efficient manner for mental health, understanding the wisdom of divine values and demon-strating their harmony with psychological realities, benefiting from Qur’ānic para-bles at the highest level, the need to take human psychology into account even in is-sues that are not directly related to psychology, the desire to ground psychological facts on Qur’ān, providing a new (Islamic) perspective in the field of psychology, de-termining overlapping and contradicting aspects of modern psychology and human conception of Islam, demonstrating the thesis of Qur’ān against the psychologists’ approaches to metaphysics and human transcendence perception, reducing the dif-ferences of opinion among glossators, utilizing psychological realities in establish-ing the vanity of Isrā’iliyyāt are in the target of the psychological hermeneutics.
Authors and Affiliations
Abdurrahman Kasapoğlu
المختصر: تطرق في هذه المذاكرة بعض المعتقدات على أنّ واقعية نسبة كُتُب الحديث إلى أبي حنيفة والكُتُب التي نُسِبَتْ إليه: "الآثار" و "المسند". هل هذا الكتاب مِنْ مؤلَّفات أبي حنيفة أوْ كتابٌ جُمِعَ من طرف طُلَّابه بالأحاد...
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