
Розкрито природу символу як джерела політичного панування. Показано, що саме міфологія є визначальним джерелом символічних практик у політиці. На прикладі міфологічного суспільства магічного типу архаїчної доби детально розкрито сутність відправних механізмів символізації у політиці. Вони засновані на практиках тотемізму, фетишизму, анімізму та магічної літургії. Показаний органічний взаємозв’язок цих практик з сучасним символічним комплексом ідентифікації, який покладений у основу формування політичної нації. The nature of the symbol as a source of political domination is revealed. Defined, that arsenal of symbolic power in the state consists of the symbolic products and mechanisms of its production. That implemented in the field of culture and communication and always correlated with the interests of the dominant groups. These groups provide a variety of symbolic strategies of conquest social space by using different systems of generation of meaning: mythology, religion, political ideology, social-semiosis. These regulatory and symbolic forms of social interaction as determinants of political order and political development are defined. Their specificity and the stages of their evolution are delineated. It is shown that mythology is determining source of symbolic practices in politics. Proved that myth is an integral part of any type of cultural and politico-administrative models, regardless of time and space to implement them. Defined the concept - "society of mythological type". This is society, which simulates the control mechanisms based on mythology. This model is universal scheme-form of the world, that explains and prescribes a certain method of social interaction.The first origins of myth and it’s basic parameters, as one of the elements of structure-social order were formed by primitive societies. The first symbolic forms, based on imitation practices - ritual, art, language were born during mythological primitive society era. It will become an inexhaustible source of symbolic production and fundamental of symbolic complexes as important determinant of socio-political organization of society during the process of politogenesis and state- building. Chronological framework of existence mythological world covering the longest period of human history - from prehistoric times to the fall of the ancient world. This implies its phased development and variation forms of the symbolic impact. There are three stages of mythological society with three variation of ones: mythological society of magic type (archaically organized society); mythological society of sacred type (ideoсratic society of The Ancient East despotic states); mythological society of rational and mystical type (community of ancient polis). The mythological magical type of society, as example shows the essence of the primary mechanisms of symbolism in politics. They are based on practices totemism, fetishism, animism and magical liturgy. Indicated the organic relationship of these practices with modern symbolic complex of identification, which laid the basis for the formation of a political nation.

Authors and Affiliations

Ella Mamontova


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Ella Mamontova (2016). СИМВОЛІЧНІ ПРАКТИКИ АРХАЇЧНОГО СУСПІЛЬСТВА ЯК ДЖЕРЕЛО ФОРМУВАННЯ ПОЛІТИЧНОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ: ІСТОРІЯ ТА СУЧАСНІСТЬ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(15), 260-269. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-427140