Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 13
У статті обґрунтовується доцільність феноменологічно-герменевтичного розуміння досвіду людини. Розкриваються особливості актів сприйняття, уяви, означування, вербалізації, розуміння, мислення в контексті осягнення змісту кольоросимволу. Акцентується увага на необхідності включення до розгляду аспекту тілесності та шарів безсвідомого у сприйнятті кольору. Аналізується своєрідність феноменологічного підходу до кольору, його значимості та функціональності. The relevance of the article is due to the arch of modern philosophy, methodological ways of which meet the requirements of time and new realities of cultural development. The problem of our values in human experience is the principal question of philosophy of culture. In addition, the interpretation of the symbolism of colourishighly relevant to intercultural dialogue is highlighted. In the phenomenology of M. Merleau-Ponty it is noted that the colour appears more than a function. The “specification view”, presented in colour, indicates that already at the level of perception there is a focus of attention, which ensures the unity of new meanings. The perception “opens the window of meaning”. Experience attention, inturn, allow to interpret the process of perception, which is not reduced to “physiological functions of the body”. The body creates the conditions for the perception of objects and extraction of meanings from this process. Due to the organization of human body as interacting with the outside world (and not to the transformation of images of neurons), we see a single picture, looking at the world through two eyes. “The return of the body is not only a field of mutual influence of sensation and feeling, but also the foundation of expression”. The conclusions mentioned above find additional arguments in the concept of the human experience of R. Collinwood. The research paper identifies three levels of experience that correspond to the acts of feeling, imagination, and thinking. The structure of acts of experience consists of three integral elements: content, feelings and expressions. R. Collinwood emphasizes that our thought should, in some way, be treated individually-somatic as ontologically primary. Ontologically primary is the individual act of experience, and the experience level of thinking, which keeps in touch with physicality, emotionality and expressiveness of the action. Pragmatists’ universalization of the experience allowed the British thinker to combine physical and mental reality with consciousness through imagination and language. The idea is clear to others when has its emotional-individual expression through imagination and language. Others prepared the irexperiences, the tradition, able to handle the idea together with the author, following her experience from the author's expression to the content. For in-depth comprehension of the meaning of colour symbols it cannot be fully abstracted from the physical characteristics of colours. On the other hand, we should not neglect the peculiarities of the socio-cultural context, values, including the religious component of culture that forms a kind of backdrop perception of the symbols. It is necessary to take into account the semantic meaning of colours accumulated in the historical development of mankind. They form an associative array of archetypes, a kind of “history of colour”. Every act of perception embodies an act of creations of meanings and its verbalization. The subject of perception in this case is prejudiced by their own previous experience and tradition of language.
Authors and Affiliations
O. Beldy
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