Система підготовки спортивного резерву та відбір баскетболістів у Литві
Journal Title: Teoriya i metodika fizichnogo vihovannya i sportu - Year 2017, Vol 0, Issue 2
Peculiarities of basketball reserve preparation in Lithuania have been considered. Among the key factors determining the achievements of Lithuanian basketball the following have been isolated: 1) rationally designed training process and high professional level of coaches; 2) basketball popularity in the country as well as historical traditions and population attitude to sport event; 3) functional efficiency of basketball management system at every hierarchical level; 4) organized selection of basketball players and wide network of basketball schools, clubs, numerous number of children and youth competitions. A system of sports competitions is presented, which encompasses children's and youth basketball, cadet and youth tournaments, the highest league. The role and significance of regional specialized centers for preparation of the nearest basketball reserve are shown. A multilevel algorithm for selecting athletes for national teams for participation in matches of the main basketball league of the country is considered.
Authors and Affiliations
Микола Безмилов
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