Skala Warszawska A– E oceny endoskopowych zmian w krtani związanych z refluksem gardłowo-krtaniowym. Korelacja ze skalą patologii refluksowej (RFS)

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 4


Introduction: Changes associated with laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) are usually related to the posterior part of the larynx and called ‘‘posterior laryngitis’’. Pathologic reflux induced mucosal changes within the larynx are easily detected with the use of video laryngoscopy (VLS). To the multitude of described changes within the larynx that are associated with the existence of LPR Belafsky introduced assessment with 26 scale points describing changes in the larynx (RFS; reflux finding score). Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to introduce our proposal of a new scale of endoscopic pharyngo-laryngeal findings associated with laryngopharyngeal reflux named Warsaw A–E scale. For that reason the new scale was compared to the RFS scale of Belafsky. Material and method: A total of 249 patients were involved in this restospective study. The reflux disease was confirmed by gastroenterologists. Larynx was evaluated with the use of video laryngoscopy. Morphological changes within the larynx and pharynx were assessed using 1) the RFS scale according to Belafsky, 2) and using our proposed scale named Warsaw A–E scale. The results were compared. Results: All patients received at least 7 points in RFS scale of Belafsky. Using Warsaw A–E scale, there were no patients found with the videolaryngoscopic image of the larynx classified as A type. In both the women's group, as well as the group of men prevailed type C. The comparison of the two scales showed correlation between them. Conclusions: The study showed a statistically significant correlation of Warsaw A–E scale of laryngopharyngeal changes with a commonly used scale of RFS according to Belafsky. It was found that the Warsaw A–E scale is easier to use and less time consuming.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Domeracka-Kołodziej, Elżbieta Grabczak, Marta Dąbrowska, Magdalena Lachowska, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Kazimierz Niemczyk


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Anna Domeracka-Kołodziej, Elżbieta Grabczak, Marta Dąbrowska, Magdalena Lachowska, Ewa Osuch-Wójcikiewicz, Kazimierz Niemczyk (2014). Skala Warszawska A– E oceny endoskopowych zmian w krtani związanych z refluksem gardłowo-krtaniowym. Korelacja ze skalą patologii refluksowej (RFS). Otolaryngologia Polska, 68(4), -.