Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філософія, культурологія, соціологія - Year 2018, Vol 8, Issue 15
У статті досліджені особливості розвитку ювелірного мистецтва у Київській Русі на прикладі унікальних знахідок 1971 і 1975 років – Торговицького і Дорогобузького скарбів Х–ХІІІ ст. на Рівненщині. Здійснений аналіз розвитку ювелірного мистецтва у Київській Русі на прикладі вмісту Торговицького і Дорогобузького скарбів Х–ХІІІ ст. на Рівненщині та його місця у розвитку декоративно-ужиткового мистецтва Руси-України. Визначено, що розвиток ювелірного мистецтва у Київській Русі значною мірою ілюструють скарби, знайдені за останні сорок років в Україні на землях Південно-Західної Русі (сучасна територія західних областей України) до складу яких входили жіночі та чоловічі прикраси – вироби із дорогоцінних металів. Наголошено, що за часів Київської Русі ювелірне мистецтво з використанням художнього металу досягло високої майстерності і вишуканості, які знайшли своє продовження у різноманітних формах традиційного і сучасного українського декоративно-ужиткового мистецтва. The aim of article is to analyze the peculiarities of the development of jewellery art in Kievan Rus' by the example of the unique discoveries from 1971-1975 – Torgovitsky and Dorobuzkiy treasures of the X-XIII centuries in the region of Rivne. The authors analyzed the substance of treasures, thoroughly described the technologies of production from art metal; the authors found their analogies among their Old Russian memos in the context of the development of decorative and everyday art items of Rus' - Ukraine. The authors defined the date of the substance of the treasures and analyzed the versions as for the reasons, place and time of their saving. The methodology of the research is in the usage of the historical, cultural, systematized, chronological, classified, terminological, comparative, statistic and generalized methods. The defined methods allow the authors to depict the peculiarities of the development of the jewellery art in Kievan Rus' by the example of Torgovitsky and Dorobuzkiy treasures of the X-XIII centuries in Rivne region. The topicality is specified by the wide usage of the historical, cultural methods. Conclusions. The jewellery art took an important place in the culture of Kievan Rus' of the X-XIII centuries. The wares from art metal didn’t yield to analogical samples from West Europe, Byzantium and East. The development of the jewellery art in Kievan Rus' noticeably illustrates the discoveries of the treasures, to which the women’s and men’s jewelleries belong. They were from precious stones. The territory of the south-west Rus' (the modern territory of the west regions of Ukraine) has a lot of memos of the X-XIII centuries: countries, fortified cities and burials. Among the unique memos of this type that were discovered for the last period in Ukraine there two treasures of the Old Rus' from Rivne region can be singled out: - accidentally found by the pupils of the Torgovitskaya secondary school of Mlinivskiy district on the 25th of March, 1971, and contributed to the museum of local history in Rivne. It consisted of seven neck grivnas, three bracelets, three temporal rings, three signet rings, five earrings, and moonlike jewellery for women. The stuff of the treasure included also a silver coin grivna, the fragment of a silver grivna coin and five beads from the amber. - discovered in 1975 in the building 3-A of the XIII century in the period of archaeological research of the annalistic city Dorogobush in the country Dorogobush Gorosganskiy region by the archaeological expedition of the museum of the local history in Rivne. It consisted purely of silver women’s jewelleries: two pendants with ultimate top, two colts and chains for their hanging, earrings of “Kyivskiy type” and a lamellate signet ring. The wares of the jewellery art from other lands of Kievan Rus', which are analogical to the substance of Torgovitskiy and Dorogobuzkiy treasures, differed with high artistic level and were in popular demand not only within the domestic but also the foreign market. According to a famous Ukrainian archaeologist and historian, academician P. Tolochka, things that came out from jewellery workshops of Old Rus' cities and countries of the X-XIII centuries, are often met during archaeological excavations practically in all European countries. It’s possible to affirm that from the times of Kievan Rus' the jewellery with the usage of the art metal reached its mastery and sophistication, which found its continuation in different forms of traditional and modern Ukrainian decorative and everyday art that in its turn makes the problem topical and perspective.
Authors and Affiliations
Юзеф Мойсейович Нікольченко, Юлія Сергіївна Сабадаш
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